Stories Tagged as
Slavery ended in the 1860s. Why hasn't the wealth gap closed for Black Americans?
Kimberly Adams
and Sean McHenry
Jun 20, 2022
Juneteenth commemorates Black Americans' emancipation from slavery, yet their economic emancipation continues.
“It’s about much more than checking a box”: How brands can genuinely commemorate Juneteenth
David Brancaccio
and Erika Soderstrom
Jun 16, 2022
It’s not just about messaging, says Jeanine Poggi, editor of Ad Age. Are companies prioritizing diversity behind the scenes?
"Miss Juneteenth" tells the story of a Black woman trying to build a better economic future
Kai Ryssdal
and Sean McHenry
Feb 8, 2021
Writer-director Channing Godfrey Peoples discusses her debut film and the economic realities it draws upon.
More companies offer a paid day off for Juneteenth
Justin Ho
Jun 19, 2020
Some corporations made the move just days ago.
Here's how companies are observing Juneteenth this year
Jun 19, 2020
Juneteenth dates back to 1865, and it is a celebration specifically of the end of slavery in Texas, which was one of the last holdouts.