What would a city "designed with care" look like?

Nov 29, 2021
Writer Alexandra Lange says urban architecture and a “Department of Care” could make residents’ needs and culture a priority.
More benches, public restrooms and services for unhoused people could be part of a care-driven approach to designing cities.
François Walschaerts/AFP via Getty Images

A primer on Corporate Memphis, Big Tech's favorite design trend

Apr 15, 2021
Sans-serif fonts, pastel palettes, long-limbed cartoons. Why are these designs so popular? And why do they garner criticism?
humaaans/Pablo Stanley

"Every city in the world was designed and built by men"

Nov 5, 2020
Cities were designed to serve a world with different gender roles, where men went to work and women stayed home with children, says journalist Antonia Cundy.
Rush hour in London circa 1890.
London Express/Getty Images

The "other AI" that matters

Dec 10, 2019
Would we have more fun shopping if businesses paid more attention to aesthetics?
A view of the Steve Jobs Theater at Apple Park.
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

What's in a font?

Apr 17, 2019
Lately, a lot of brands are embracing a minimalist look.
Lately, a lot of brands are embracing a minimalist look.
CactuSoup/iStock/Getty Images Plus

For public good, not for profit.

3 innovations that started out as inclusive design solutions

You can thank inclusive design for typewriters, flexible straws and the technology behind iPhone screens.
A typewriter is displayed at Massilia Vintage international fashion and design fair in southeastern France, no September 26, 2015.

Open floorplans aren’t just annoying. They make us interact less.

Aug 8, 2018
A new study found that employees looked for other ways to regain privacy, like sending email to a nearby colleague.
Oli Scarff/Getty Images

How to be a toymaker

Mar 15, 2018
Melissa Bernstein of Melissa & Doug on how she does her job.
Melissa Bernstein started her career at Morgan Stanley ... but once she ditched investment banking and started making toys, she found her dream job.  
Courtesy Melissa & Doug