What happens when retailers stop paying rent?

Apr 6, 2020
Stores are closed. Sales have evaporated. A lot of retailers can’t pay their rent.
Urban Outfitters announced last week that it would stop paying rent at its stores during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

With unemployment rising, millions could fall behind on their mortgages

Apr 3, 2020
Homeowners with federally backed mortgages can pause their monthly bill for up to a year. But they may get hit with a balloon payment at the end.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

"Suppliers are sexy," but the real oil collapse story is demand

Apr 3, 2020
A historic plunge in demand during the global pandemic has pushed U.S. average gasoline prices to $1.91 a gallon.
There's a lack of demand for oil as people stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Above, a woman wearing gloves gases up her car in Los Angeles on March 18.
Chris Delmas/AFP via Getty Images

Advertisers are trying to adapt to COVID-19

Apr 3, 2020
It starts with replacing old ads that seem cringeworthy under quarantine.
Advertisers are pivoting to ads that capture the moment with a quiet, contemplative tone that's focused on family.
Joe Klamar/AFP via Getty Images

Funeral services in the age of COVID-19: "You have no idea what it's like"

Apr 3, 2020
The things that can make funerals cathartic aren’t possible right now.
Due to a surge in deaths caused by the Coronavirus, hospitals are using refrigerator trucks as makeshift morgues. Above, medical workers remove a body from a refrigerator truck outside of the Brooklyn Hospital on March 31.
Stephanie Keith/Getty Images

It's not just undocumented immigrants who could be left out of the stimulus money

Apr 2, 2020
U.S. citizens with an undocumented spouse or child would also be denied a check.
Stay-at-home orders in California and elsewhere have exempted farmworkers. Above, farmworkers harvest zucchini Wednesday in Florida.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

A senior citizen working through the pandemic

Apr 2, 2020
“I just take one day at a time,” said Gaile Harrell, a part-time convenience store employee in Ashburn, Virgina.
Gaile Harrell, a convenience store employee in Ashburn, Virginia is considered an essential worker and therefore, working through the pandemic.
Melissa Lyttl

Millions are facing unemployment without savings to fall back on

Apr 2, 2020
The median U.S. household has just a couple of weeks worth of savings to tap into in a crisis.
Some economists believe the unemployment rate could hit 30% before long.
Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images

Pay cuts spreading beyond executive suite

Apr 2, 2020
Cuts to pay can save jobs, but they can hurt morale, too.
As pay cuts spread further down from the executive suite, they hit average workers harder. Above, cashiers wearing protective masks work in a grocery store in Brooklyn on April 2.
Stephanie Keith/Getty Images