Employment's back to pre-pandemic levels with more than 500,000 new jobs added in July

Aug 5, 2022
There were even job gains in construction and finance, which were expected to slow down. Wages grew again too.
Employers added double the number of jobs economists were expecting in July, with big hiring increases in leisure and hospitality, health care and retail.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Gig work rebounds but some gig workers struggle with inflation

Jul 8, 2022
Gig workers now have access to unemployment benefits as the economy has opened back up.
As the economy has opened up, so too have opportunities and benefits for gig workers such as drivers for ride-hailing services.
Photo by ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images

As jobs rebound, those paying least are hardest to fill

May 6, 2022
Health care, child care and K-12 education, which offer jobs with lower pay that need to be done in person, have yet to fully recover.
A company seeking aluminum workers posted an ad on a bus in Portland, Oregon. The private sector has been able to raise wages and hire people faster than the public sector.
Mitchell Hartman/Marketplace

Professional and business services hiring is well above pre-pandemic levels

Apr 1, 2022
One factor that may have contributed to this growth? Jobs in accounting, IT, consulting and similar roles can still be done remotely.
Getty Images

January's strong jobs report says more people have come off the sidelines to go to work

Feb 4, 2022
Many older people returned to work, but the recovery isn't as strong for people of color and women.
The federal jobs report surprised forecasters, showing that people are returning to work and fewer left the workforce than believed.
Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images

Resume gaps may shrink in importance, especially for women of color

Jan 20, 2022
Employers need understand the many reasons workers have left the jobs on their own or involuntarily, one supervisor says.
Women dropped out of the workforce in record numbers over the past year and a half. Will employers still view resume gaps as red flags?
SDI Productions/Getty Images

Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic: "Everything is just taking longer than I would have expected going in."

Nov 18, 2021
Bostic discusses inflation, employment and trying to make sure the economic recovery brings everyone along.
Atlanta Fed President and CEO Raphael Bostic addresses an audience at an event in Athens, Georgia.
David Fine/Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

For public good, not for profit.

Unemployed workers aren't settling for any job offer that comes along

Oct 6, 2021
Many are demanding higher wages to return to the labor force. ADP reports private-sector employment rose strongly in September.
ADP reported that most new hires in September joined larger companies, which often pay more than small businesses.
Spencer Platt via Getty Images

For this teen, working a summer job is about more than some extra cash

Aug 2, 2021
Teenagers have been picking up more jobs during this year.
While some teenagers use their summer break to relax from the daily grind of school, many use the free time as an opportunity to pick up a summer job.
Mike Hewitt/Getty Images

This summer on Cape Cod, longer lines and help wanted signs

Jul 30, 2021
Almost every restaurant and business is understaffed this summer. At the same time, there are more tourists on the Cape than ever.
At Mac’s on the Pier in Wellfleet, waiting in line has always been part of the experience. But according to the owner, waits have peaked from an hour and a half to five hours this summer.
Samantha Fields