Stories Tagged as
What were the most popular cities to move to in 2024?
Dec 18, 2024
People are seeking more affordable homes in exurbs and small cities in the Northeast and Midwest, according to new data from Zillow.
The uncertain future of commuter friendships
Matt Levin
Mar 5, 2021
We could lose a unique kind of relationship due to working from home.
E-scooters and bikes rebound as COVID-19 crisis keeps on rolling
Scott Tong
Sep 2, 2020
Micromobility is robust despite a dip in ridership early in the pandemic. Those companies have a chance to rethink their role, one expert says.
Study looks at the time and money people are saving by not commuting
Andy Uhler
Sep 2, 2020
Now, will companies have an incentive to encourage telecommuting once the pandemic ends?
Report: The average American spends the equivalent of 2.5 work weeks in traffic
Ben Bradford
Feb 13, 2019
The report, from traffic data company INRIX, finds Boston drivers spend the most time in congested commutes, with Washington, D.C., Chicago, New York and Los Angeles rounding out the top 5.
Fixing infrastructure: short-term pain, long-term gain
Aug 20, 2018
Crucial upgrades to the busy Route 495 bridge leading to the Lincoln Tunnel in New Jersey will snarl traffic.
By foot, by train, by bus: when the total daily commute stretches to six hours
Aug 17, 2018
Nationwide, most people still commute to work by car; 85 percent according to the 2016 census. Some people don’t have that option. People who don’t own vehicles often rely on public transportation, and in Dallas, 54 percent of people who do that spend at least 45 minutes commuting, each way. One Texan has a commute that’s considerably […]
For public good, not for profit.
Tijuana's hip food scene and affordable rent are enticing Californians to move south of the border
Jan 10, 2018
"An American can just be a dishwasher and live here like a king."
Companies offer private bus services to get young workers to commute from cities to the suburbs
Dec 18, 2017
As real estate in major cities continues to go up in price, companies are increasingly moving offices to the suburbs. In order to attract young workers from the cities, some companies offer private bus services for employees making the reverse commute.
Why falling gas prices help low-income workers more
Nov 14, 2014
Poorer people spend much more of their income on commuting.