Stories Tagged as
A new wind turbine inspired by a palm tree, big as the Empire State Building
Molly Wood
Oct 22, 2018
Today's land-based turbines produce 5 megawatts of power. This new one could produce 10 times more.
Duke Energy CEO on the future of energy
Kai Ryssdal
Oct 9, 2018
The company's big challenge is keeping pace with technology.
Hurricane and political seasons collide on The Weather Channel
Amy Scott
Sep 14, 2018
Viewers of The Weather Channel may have noticed a lot of campaign ads this week as the midterm elections approach and more people tuned in to track Hurricane Florence. According to NCC Media, the number of political advertisers on the channel grew from 59 last week to 83 this week. “It’s a smart media strategy,” […]
A year after the floods, Texas mulls lessons of Hurricane Harvey
Andy Uhler
Aug 24, 2018
Greater Houston area residents are voting on a bond to fund flood mitigation.
How storm chasers turn tornadoes into tourist attractions
Jun 28, 2018
A growing industry is offering a front row seat to extreme weather.
Driverless cars have a hard time in snow, too
Molly Wood
and Stephanie Hughes
Jan 9, 2018
They're sort of like teenage drivers who grew up in Southern California.
Unusual freezing weather means extra costs for Southern states
Andy Uhler
Jan 4, 2018
A powerful winter storm — or bomb cyclone — is expected to engulf the East Coast today, dumping feet of snow in New England and carrying winds up to 50 miles an hour. But it’s not just the usual suspects in the Northeast who are feeling the effects of this winter weather — Southern states […]
For public good, not for profit.
Not so fast: Climate change will slow air travel
Jed Kim
Jan 1, 2018
Extreme weather means more challenges for airlines getting planes in the air. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.
Floridians wait for help and repairs after Irma
Dec 21, 2017
Low unemployment and a shortage of construction workers make for long waits to get storm repairs done.
Florida's uneven recovery from Hurricane Irma
Dec 21, 2017
Low-income communities face a long road ahead while in more affluent areas, homeowners can rely on insurance payouts to rebuild.