Stories Tagged as
The salary games some employers play
Jun 6, 2022
Withholding information about pay during the hiring process? In this economy?
With unemployment high, why can't companies find the workers they need?
Mar 17, 2021
There are many theories, including unemployment benefits being too high, a skills mismatch and low wages.
Employers rethink cost of living calculations
Oct 12, 2020
As employees stay remote and can move anywhere to work, some companies are reconsidering the math that goes into compensation packages.
Some states hike overtime salary threshold higher than Feds
Jan 1, 2020
A new federal salary level for low-paid managers to be eligible for overtime pay kicks in Jan. 1.
1.3 million lower-paid managers to get overtime
Dec 25, 2019
Salaried management workers who earn less than $35,568/year will be entitled to overtime pay starting Jan. 1, 2020.
Five simple rules for negotiating a better salary
Tony Wagner
Oct 11, 2019
A negotiation expert tells us how to know your worth.
More Chinese students studying abroad return to China
Jennifer Pak
Aug 27, 2019
In 2017 and 2018 some one million students studying abroad returned to China.
For public good, not for profit.
Younger workers more likely to talk pay with colleagues
Jul 4, 2019
Greater transparency around salaries could help close racial and gender pay gaps but can be tricky to navigate.
Older siblings tend to be more successful in life, research says. Does that hold true for your family?
Jul 18, 2018
Here are some of your responses.