How will the world respond to the European Union's proposed carbon border tax?

Jul 19, 2021
Scott Barrett of Columbia University thinks countries may adopt their own trade-oriented approaches to battling climate change.
Flags of the European Union member states hang inside the Council of the European Union's Lex building in Brussels.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

European Union may restrict British TV shows post-Brexit

Jul 15, 2021
Britain’s departure from the 27-member bloc raises questions about the quantity of UK TV shows aired and streamed in continental Europe.
Following Brexit, the European Union may restrict the amount of British TV shows — like "Downton Abbey" — available in the EU. Above, visitors attend a 1920s themed event at Highclere Castle, the main set location of "Downton Abbey," in 2019.
Isabel Infantes/AFP via Getty Images

Britain looks to U.S., China to bolster financial services after Brexit

Jul 1, 2021
After a wait-and-see period caused by Brexit, London is ready to forge a new global path in attracting business partners.
"I think what's increasingly clear is that London's future is going to be global," says Jonathan Hill.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

How is Britain's financial services industry faring after Brexit?

Jun 28, 2021
It’s an industry that, in 2019, contributed nearly $200 billion to the U.K.’s economy, and supported nearly a million jobs.
It's been six months since the end of a Brexit transition period for the U.K. How are financial companies moving forward?
Tolga Akmen/AFP via Getty Images

Trade disputes high on Biden's European trip agenda

Jun 9, 2021
Tariffs on wine, cheese, steel and aluminum are among the issues to be resolved.
The first couple arrives in England ahead of the G-7 summit. Biden is expected to try to resolve  disputes involving tariffs on wine, cheese, steel and aluminum.
Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images

EU seeks to raise the drawbridge on companies that get foreign subsidies

May 5, 2021
It's an attempt to gain leverage over China.
European leaders are increasingly worried that China’s state-dominated economic system is threatening companies in their own countries.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Countries want tourists back if they're vaccinated. That may lead to vaccine passports.

May 5, 2021
What counts as proof of immunization when there's no global database to tell a fake apart from the real thing?
"The train’s left the station. It's happening," says Jen Kates, director of global health policy at the Kaiser Family Foundation. "So many countries have said they're doing this. It's just a matter of how to make it work," and how to make it as fair and equitable as possible.
Joel Saget/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Germany seethes over the slow delivery of COVID-19 vaccines

Feb 24, 2021
Delays in the European Commission’s procurement of vaccine is tempering Germany’s enthusiasm for the European Union.
A nurse inoculates a resident of Saxony, Germany, with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
Matthias Rietschel/Getty Images

Eurostar rail service, hit by pandemic, appeals for help from U.K.

Feb 3, 2021
The company has called on the U.K. to join in a bailout, even though it sold its stake in Eurostar in 2015.
Scott Barbour/Getty Images

Simmering tensions over EU vaccine distribution threaten to boil over

Jan 27, 2021
The 27-nation bloc is battling with manufacturers over its spot in the priority list for receiving COVID vaccines.
Joel Saget/AFP via Getty Images