Mastercard is saying goodbye to the magnetic stripe

Aug 18, 2021
Credit-card changes are driven by security concerns, and it turns out that signature swipe has its own swath of problems.
Mastercard plans to swap the swipe payment process for the chip and touchless tap.
Bryan R. Smith/AFP via Getty Images

Consumers are gravitating back to plastic for spending splurges

Jul 8, 2021
The Federal Reserve said total consumer credit rose by 10% in May. And lenders issued roughly 6 million new credit cards in March, according to Equifax.
As the economy reopens, American consumers are falling back in love with plastic.
Oliver Douliery/AFP via Getty Images

As consumers get out more, they may also reach for credit cards

Jul 8, 2021
Outstanding credit card balances have been down, but people may start racking up the debt again.
People are going out more and making bigger purchases, and with credit card interest rates still high, balances might shoot back up.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

As consumers pay off credit card debt, banks are likely to offer credit incentives

Jun 1, 2021
Banks are already stepping up marketing campaigns to try to get more consumers to use their services.
Since people have been good about paying off their balances, consumers’ credit scores have improved, says Andrew Davidson, who follows credit cards at Comperemedia.
AsiaVision via Getty Images

FDIC says credit card balances dropped in Q1

May 27, 2021
Sure, we're putting some purchases on credit cards, but we're still not getting out the plastic for big travel expenses.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Bank accounts could soon help determine creditworthiness

May 13, 2021
Some big banks will give credit cards to people who lack credit scores, looking instead at savings and checking account history.
Fizkes via Getty Images

Why credit card limits could rise this year

Feb 26, 2021
Lenders aren't quite as nervous about consumer finances anymore, and they're anticipating a boom in consumer spending.
Credit card companies hope that increased credit limits will create more outstanding balances, meaning more revenue for them.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Last year's federal relief payments contributed to American households' ability to pay down their credit card obligations in the second quarter.
Violeta Stoimenova via Getty Images

Italy launches app with incentives to get consumers to go cashless

Jan 18, 2021
In its battle against tax evasion, the government wants more Italians to change their payment method.
The Italian government is discouraging the use of cash and encouraging purchases by credit card to help it collect taxes.
Ridofranz via Getty Images

Credit card debt is falling. That's good news — and bad news

Nov 19, 2020
It's good news for our personal economies, but it means we're not spending as much to prop the economy as a whole.
One expert says retail spending is losing steam right as the critical holiday shopping season is ramping up.
Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images