The consumer electronics industry is ready for the most shopping-ful time of the year

Nov 19, 2018
CNET Reviews Editor-in-Chief Lindsey Turrentine talks tech trends.
Will you be buying gifts for others — or yourself?
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Apple casts itself as a Hollywood mogul

Nov 16, 2018
Deal with Oscar-winning film studio will produce streaming content to compete with Netflix, Amazon.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

An argument against Big Tech being so big

Nov 13, 2018
A former senior advisor to the FTC makes the case.
An Apple laptop sits on a podium with the Google logo during a Google special event in 2010 in San Francisco.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Apple gear is getting more expensive. Here's why.

Nov 1, 2018
The company has managed to make its products seem indispensable to its loyal customers, who appear willing to pay more.
Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, unveils new products during an Apple launch event at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York on Oct. 30. The new products cost about 20 percent more than the previous generation.
Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images

Apple CEO Tim Cook asks federal regulators to bring it on

Nov 1, 2018
At an industry conference in Europe, Cook called for tougher regulations to protect data privacy

The privacy debate is starting to pit tech against tech

Oct 26, 2018
Unpacking Apple CEO Tim Cook’s call for federal privacy measures.
Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Inc talks at the Debating Ethics event at the European Parliament in Brussels on October 24, 2018. 

The privacy debate is starting to pit tech against tech

Oct 26, 2018
Unpacking Apple CEO Tim Cook’s call for federal privacy measures.
Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Inc talks at the Debating Ethics event at the European Parliament in Brussels on October 24, 2018. 

For public good, not for profit.

How much economic influence do you think tech companies have?

Oct 19, 2018
78 percent of Americans think it's a great deal. But what exactly does that mean?
Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images

Apple: It's time to turn iMessage into a social network

Sep 27, 2018
The tech giant is sitting on the Facebook killer. When will it give iMessage to the world?

Help! I’ve fallen and I need a smart watch!

Sep 13, 2018
Updates to the Apple Watch could mark the tech company’s entry into the growing business for personal emergency devices.
Apple COO Jeff Williams discusses Apple Watch Series 4 during an event on Sept. 12, 2018, in Cupertino, California