The war in Ukraine is pushing bread prices higher in the Middle East. That could lead to unrest.

Mar 28, 2022
High bread prices have helped topple governments in the region.
Egyptian men work in a bakery at a market in Cairo on March 17, 2022. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has caused wheat prices to soar — necessary for bread, an important food staple in the Middle East.
Khaled Desouki/AFP via Getty Images

Ukraine conflict could push grain prices higher worldwide

Feb 22, 2022
Together, Russia and Ukraine supply a large part the world's wheat and corn exports.
A wheat field in Russia, which supplies a large share of global wheat exports. Agricultural  markets could be disrupted by war, along with commerce in energy.
Kirill Kudryavtsev/AFP via Getty Images

Northwest wheat fetching low prices because of low starch content

Dec 6, 2016
Many Washington and Idaho wheat farmers are struggling this year because of a crop problem that’s eating away the starch inside kernels.
Farmer Larry Brown grows wheat just outside of Oakesdale, Wash. He says this year he lost around $85,000 because of low falling number in his wheat. 
Anna King

Low crop prices drag farm towns down with them

Nov 3, 2016
Low wheat, corn and soybean prices mean another bad year for many Midwest farmers.
Soybeans are harvested on a field near Worthington, Minnesota.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

U.S. drought could have global impact on food prices

Jul 20, 2012
As one of the world's biggest agricultural exporter, the drought in the U.S. could impact food prices worldwide. In recent years, high food prices have initiated destabilization of the Middle East as well as Haiti.

Wheat prices down 25% this year

Dec 9, 2011
Farmers are hurting as wheat prices drop, but it doesn't necessarily mean the price of bread and cereal for consumers will also fall.

MID-DAY UPDATE: The Senate could vote today to send $26 billion to the states...

Aug 5, 2010
... The "jobs bill"would avert state worker layoffs. New unemployment claims rise Sales for big retailers like Costco, Macy's, & Target are...

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