Home equity could fuel a massive wealth transfer in the coming years

Jan 6, 2025
But even if baby boomers plan to pass on housing wealth to their heirs, they might end up needing it themselves.
Passing on appreciated real estate to children could reinforce wealth inequality, said Linna Zhu at the Urban Institute.
Loren Elliott/Getty Images

Women's wealth is growing, and wealth managers are adjusting

Bloomberg's Claire Ballentine reports that women tend to be conservative, thoughtful investors and donate more to charity than men.
Many more women are in the stock market now than just a few years ago, according to Fidelity.
Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty Images

Explaining the racial gap in stock market investment

New research finds that inequities in unemployment risk can explain some of the racial gap in stock market investment.
champc/Getty Images

Inside the secretive world of offshore finance

We dive into a financial system that's designed to protect the ultra wealthy.
Sociology professor, Brooke Harrington, reveals how the offshore financial system can weaken economies and democracy in her new book, “Offshore: Stealth Wealth and the New Colonialism.”
Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images

As consumer sentiment survey is released, differences emerge at different wealth levels

Apr 26, 2024
Inflation continues to be a key factor but richer folks have greater protection from its effects.
Wealthy and low-income households are not experiencing inflation the same way, says Kayla Bruun with Morning Consult.
David McNew/Getty Images

Want to start a business? It helps to have rich parents

Jan 18, 2023
How heavily are the odds stacked against startups without the “massive leg up” of family wealth?

"Patriotic Millionaires" in the U.K. call for higher taxes … on themselves

Apr 5, 2022
The group of wealthy individuals say they would be happy to pay a lot more in taxes to ease the burden on the poor and the middle classes.
As the United Kingdom grapples with high inflation, a group of millionaires is volunteering to take a bump in taxes.
clubfoto/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

The sociology of sanctioning Russian oligarchs

Mar 11, 2022
Sanctions represent an existential threat for Russia's elite, says sociologist Brooke Harrington.
The Eclipse, one of the yachts of Russian billionaire Roman Abramovitch, pictured in 2013, is reportedly worth $570 million.
Valery Hache/AFP via Getty Images

Research suggests we're misperceiving the inequality around us

Mar 25, 2021
How the perception of one’s income ranking affects views of fairness and much more.
Recent research suggests people's perceptions of their own economic status, as well as the status of people in their social or work circles, aren't as accurate as they might think.
Timothy A. Clary/AFP via Getty Images

Majority of Americans believe economy is rigged

Oct 16, 2020
More than 80% of Black Americans and nearly 70% of women say the economy is rigged in favor of certain groups. Experts say they're right.
Protesters in Los Angeles in May 2020.
Apu Gomes/AFP via Getty Images