Will that extra money in your Social Security check add up to much?

Oct 11, 2018
An estimated 67 million Americans receiving the benefits will see a 2.8 percent cost-of-living boost to their checks.
Blank checks run through a printer at the U.S. Treasury printing facility in Philadelphia in 2011. 
Photo by William Thomas Cain/Getty Images

4 things you should know about protecting your kid's credit

Oct 4, 2018
It's something parents need to think about more and more these days.
In this photo illustration, a man is seen using a mobile phone in the light of a projection of a thumbprint on August 09, 2017 in London, England.
Leon Neal/Getty Images

Food aid need shifts from cities to countryside

Sep 24, 2018
Since the late 1970s, lawmakers have placed the SNAP nutrition program into the farm package hoping to get both urban and rural support. But that thinking might be outdated.
Small-town grocery stores like this one in southwest Iowa get 10 percent to 25 percent of their sales from federal food aid called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, according to the Rural Grocery Initiative at Kansas State University.
Peggy Lowe/KCUR

Why delaying Social Security reform now could cause our children's wealth to shrink further

Jul 11, 2018
"I think it's up to our generation to fix the mistakes that we've made," Arun Muralidhar, founder of MCube Investment Technologies and co-author of "Rethinking Pension Reform," told us.
Wikimedia Commons

Our Social Security system is in even worse shape than we think, according to one academic

Jun 6, 2018
An economics professor from Boston University says that a new report on Social Security and Medicare is hiding the truth.
Wikimedia Commons

For public good, not for profit.

How Donald Trump could be eligible for a Social Security bonus

Mar 2, 2018
There are some ... idiosyncrasies in the Social Security system.
Blank Social Security checks are run through a printer at the U.S. Treasury printing facility Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
William Thomas Cain/ Getty Images

Should you worry about the national debt?

Feb 16, 2018
We have short-term focus but a long-term problem.
Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney testifies before the Senate Budget Committee Tuesday on the 2019 budget proposal released the day before.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

Wait times for Social Security benefit appeals leave people in limbo

Michael Astrue, a former Social Security commissioner, talks about how and where the backlog starts.
Michael Astrue, former Social Security Administration commissioner, says the backlog starts at the back end. That's where 
“you're having a thousand-day waits.”
Alex Wong/Getty Images