Stories Tagged as
Why is Google leaking details of its unreleased phone?
Jack Stewart
Jul 31, 2019
Google's taking an "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" approach to leaks.
How Huawei became a smartphone titan (in addition to telecom gear)
Scott Tong
Jul 2, 2019
The tech giant sells three times more phones than Apple in China. It has developed into a smartphone superpower in the last five years.
And the winner is? The results of the Marketplace smartphone blind taste test
Scott Tong
May 29, 2019
Marketplace's smartphone blind taste test found Huawei and Motorola outperformed, and Apple underperformed.
Qualcomm ruling raises concern over U.S. competitiveness in 5G race
Scott Tong
May 23, 2019
The company's loss in federal court could require it to overhaul its business model, depriving the U.S. industry-leading semiconductor maker of next-generation R&D funds.
iPhone sales fall in China, but fans abound
Jennifer Pak
Jan 28, 2019
Apple prices can be an issue, but many Chinese still consider the devices prestigious.
In 2019, your smartphone will no longer be king
Molly Wood
Jan 1, 2019
But it will rule more devices.
Why smartphones are "revolutionary" for India
Kai Ryssdal
and Maria Hollenhorst
Nov 1, 2018
The technology is bringing people online in a way that's "unprecedented in the world," says author Ravi Agrawal.
For public good, not for profit.
Apple's secret weapon? The semiconductor
Molly Wood
Sep 12, 2018
Apple unveils a new iPhone. What really makes it special? The computer chips inside.
The second-largest smartphone maker in the world doesn't even sell phones in the U.S.
Molly Wood
Aug 28, 2018
Chinese smartphone makers are getting bigger, even without the American market.
Americans, including tech insiders, are using less social media
Molly Wood
Aug 17, 2018
People are gradually setting boundaries with social media.