Stories Tagged as
Is the United States ready for an older workforce?
Kai Ryssdal
, Nela Richardson
, Andie Corban
and Maria Hollenhorst
Jan 30, 2025
An aging population has transformed the local economy of Cumberland County, Tennessee. What lessons can be learned for the broader economy?
The economics of the "Avengers" universe
Janet Nguyen
Apr 25, 2019
The events of the last “Avengers” film could have dramatic economic consequences.
For many businesses, good census data is the benchmark
Jack Stewart
Apr 22, 2019
What happens when the numbers aren't accurate?
The fastest—and slowest—growing counties in the U.S.
Janet Nguyen
Apr 19, 2019
Counties in Texas, North Dakota and Florida are experiencing a high rate of population growth.
Texas leads way in population growth
Andy Uhler
Apr 18, 2019
Strong economy and a lower cost of living are contributing to the increase in the Lone Star State.
Americans are having fewer babies, and it might have to do with the economy
Jan 22, 2019
Since the Great Recession hit in late 2007, fertility rates have been declining in the United States. A recent CDC study helps make the link between fertility and the economy.
The census adds a citizenship question for the first time since 1950
Reema Khrais
Mar 27, 2018
Every 10 years, the government takes an accounting of us. Ideally, every one of us. And that population count — the U.S. Census — determines a lot of things, like how many seats your state has in the House of Representatives, and how much federal money is doled out to local communities for important services […]
For public good, not for profit.
Shanghai caps population to combat "big city diseases"
Jennifer Pak
Jan 17, 2018
China's Cabinet has decreed that the city's population should be 25 million — barely more than it is today.
Erie's population bolstered by immigrants
Kai Ryssdal
Jan 19, 2017
But there are fears about what Donald Trump's policies could mean for new arrivals.
Inside the CIA's crystal ball for 2015
David Gura
Jan 1, 2015
In 2000, the CIA made 70 pages worth of predictions for 2015. They didn't get everything right.