Help, I'm stuck in my starter home!

Dec 3, 2018
And that makes it harder for everyone to move up the housing ladder.
Nguyen Do, 38, in front of the house he thought would be his "starter home," in Vienna, Virginia.
Chris Bentley/Marketplace

High mortgage rates bring changes in loan applications

Jun 6, 2018
The Mortgage Bankers Association will release some new data today on how many folks are applying for mortgages in the United States. Numbers have been down consistently for the past couple of months. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.   
Protesters rally against foreclosures on Puerto Rican families affected by Hurricane Maria, outside the offices of TPG Capital, Dec. 20, 2017 in New York City. The activists claims that TPG Capital's mortgage service companies are aggressively foreclosing on families in Puerto Rico after many people were displaced from their homes following Hurricane Maria.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Homeowners might have to start paying taxes on forgiven debt again

Oct 13, 2017
If the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act isn't extended, homeowners with forgiven debt will have to pay taxes on that debt.
The Internal Revenue Service building in Washington DC.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Mortgage lenders lower barriers for those with student debt

Sep 19, 2017
New rules can help those with high student debt still qualify for a mortgage.
Mark and Kristen Griffin outside the home they rent in Conway, Arkansas.
Sarah Whites-Koditschek/ for Marketplace

For public good, not for profit.

Americans are borrowing more, creating record debt

May 18, 2017
The New York Federal Reserve says Americans are borrowing again — everything from student loans to auto loans to mortgages. According to the New York Fed, household debt has reached a record high, even higher than the previous peak, during the credit bubble in 2008. The report’s findings don’t mean Americans have learned to be […]

Home equity helping people build household wealth

Nov 24, 2016
Remember the housing crisis? Well, for many American homeowners, it’s now squarely in the rear-view mirror. A report from RealtyTrac finds that the percentage of homeowners who are underwater — meaning they owe more on their mortgage than their home is worth — has fallen to about 10 percent. It was 28 percent at its […]
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Home building’s up, but mortgage costs could go up too

Nov 17, 2016
Today's housing start numbers are a sign there's demand in a market that's still feeling the financial crisis and the housing bust.

Matthew Stockman/Getty Images