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Grexit talk resurfaces as EU finance ministers meet

Feb 17, 2017
Greece's debt problems rear up again as creditors demand more concessions.
A man looks at newspapers bearing the headline "The nightmare of Grexit" last month.

Two voters in last year's Greek referendum reflect

Jul 20, 2016
The views of two women who voted differently on Greece accepting creditors' terms.
A Greece bailout referendum took place last year amid economic turmoil in the country.
Matt Cardy/Getty Images

People of Athens remain calm during debt crisis

Jul 8, 2015
The government gives cash-strapped citizens a free ride on subways.

Greeks talk reparations while Germans talk euro debt

Apr 7, 2015
Greece says Germany owes it about $300 billion in reparations for World War II.

U.S. firms prep for Greece exit from euro

Sep 7, 2012
From adjusting computer systems to moving cash, U.S. companies are putting contingency plans in place in the event Greece bolts the euro.

ECB plan may increase risk of Greek eurozone exit

Sep 7, 2012
The plan to buy up bonds from troubled Eurozone economies creates a firewall for nations like Greece and Italy -- expelling Greece may now be less risky.

No vacation from euro debt crisis in Greece

Aug 20, 2012
It's vacation time across Europe, but it's not all sunshine for Greeks. The debt-laden nation has fallen behind in implementing reforms and austerity measures.
It's vacation time across Europe,  but it's not all sunshine for Greeks. The debt-laden nation has fallen behind in implementing reforms and austerity measures.
Takis Takatos/AFP/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Piggy for Greece

Jun 22, 2012
A thank you gift to the people of Athens for not taking the world economy this past week... phew.
Jamie McDonald/Getty Images

We can all help Greece avoid default

Jun 14, 2012
Commentator Todd Buchholz says we just need to go there on vacation.

Greek citizens pulling money from banks

May 16, 2012
With a new general election on the way in Greece and the country's membership in the European Single Currency in the balance, people in Greece are trying to keep their bank accounts from losing value if ever the euro is dropped. Greece's central bank chief says depositors pulled about $900 million about of bank accounts Monday alone.