Why is Bitcoin better? Let her count the ways.

Mar 2, 2021
Laura Shin, one of the first reporters to cover crypto-assets full time, says Bitcoin's "the most fascinating thing" she's watched.
Ozan Kose/Getty Images

BNY Mellon announces it will offer cryptocurrency services

Feb 12, 2021
Mainstream banks may offer a layer of legitimacy to cryptocurrency that is appealing to big institutional investors.
Storing cryptocurrency like Bitcoin hasn’t always been easy. People have to worry about hackers and keep track of passwords for their digital wallets.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Your GameStop questions, answered

Feb 4, 2021
GameStop's stock price rose more than 8,000% at one point.
Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images

With Bitcoin's popularity increasing, what new regulations will we see?

Jan 15, 2021
Those looking to dip their toes into Bitcoin expect the same regulatory clarity and protections that come with traditional assets.
Financial advisers and professional money managers generally haven't been able to add Bitcoin to the portfolios they manage.
Ozan Kose/AFP via Getty Images

Bigger investors are starting to take Bitcoin seriously

Jan 15, 2021
More institutional investors believe Bitcoin is standing the test of time, says Jordi Visser of Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers.
"That's what's changed this time — time and the quality of the investors," Jordi Visser, of Weiss Multi-Strategy Advisers, says about Bitcoin's development.
Ina Fassbender/AFP/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Some of Twitter's biggest accounts got hacked. It could have been much worse.

Jul 16, 2020
Zeynep Tufekci, a technology and society expert at the University of North Carolina, hopes the hacks on Obama, Gates and others act as a wake-up call ahead of the election.
Twitter's logo outside the New York Stock Exchange in 2013. Wednesday's hacks demonstrate the high level of risk associated with the messaging service.
Andrew Burton/Getty Images

With Venezuela's collapsing government, "the collapse of everything else"

May 7, 2019
Why economist Carlos Hernández is staying in the country, despite political turmoil and zero economic opportunity.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Ohio experiments with bitcoin tax payments

Apr 8, 2019
The state treasurer's office is trying something new.
A window display at the Blockland Solutions Conference in Cleveland this past December.
Adrian Ma/ideastream