Stories Tagged as
Affordable Care Act
Economic issues take the stage during the presidential debate
Sep 11, 2024
Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris sparred over various topics, including tariffs and inflation.
Why Affordable Care Act coverage has record enrollment
Jan 15, 2024
Plans are cheaper because of pandemic-era subsidies, and millions who lost Medicaid coverage have found their way to ACA marketplaces.
Unique labor conditions spur people to seek health insurance
Sep 16, 2021
The Biden administration says nearly 3 million people signed up during the extended ACA enrollment period.
Supreme Court dismisses challenge to Affordable Care Act
Jun 17, 2021
The justices left the entire law intact Thursday, ruling that plaintiffs had no right to bring their lawsuit in federal court.
New law dramatically expands access to health care subsidies
Mar 11, 2021
Lots of low- and middle-income folks who didn’t qualify for subsidies before will now.
Federal health care portal reopens for 3-month special enrollment period
Feb 16, 2021
The Biden administration plans to spread the word that people can sign up and may be eligible for free or subsidized coverage. reopens for enrollment
Nova Safo
Feb 15, 2021
Over the last four years, millions have dropped off the ACA.
For public good, not for profit.
Supreme Court once again weighs future of Obamacare
Nov 10, 2020
More than 20 million people would lose health insurance if the Supreme Court invalidates the Affordable Care Act.
How to find health care after a layoff in a pandemic
Oct 9, 2020
With the Affordable Care Act back in the spotlight, we break down the available options.
The future of the Affordable Care Act in the Supreme Court's hands
Sep 21, 2020
The late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was expected to vote to uphold the ACA.