Stories Tagged as
Hearst celebrates 135 years and new business ventures
Kai Ryssdal
and Anais Amin
Jul 26, 2022
CEO Steven Swartz highlights the media giant’s important, if little-known, stakes in automotive information and B2B operations.
More countries scrutinize foreign efforts to acquire their companies
Apr 9, 2021
The U.S. government is concerned about the national security risks in Chinese companies buying American companies.
Chevron buys Noble Energy, a sign that oil's not dead
Justin Ho
Jul 20, 2020
Oil has risen to roughly $40 a barrel after plummeting in April. With prices holding steady, big oil companies are likely to pounce on smaller ones.
COVID-19 hammers merger activity
Justin Ho
Apr 1, 2020
Uncertainty means companies can't put a proper valuation on the companies they want to buy. And banks are tightening financing, too.
Why mergers are as complicated as relationships
Aug 9, 2018
Companies date, some break up, others marry and try their odds.
What consolidation among food distributors means for your dinner
Erika Beras
Jul 30, 2018
U.S. Foods Holding Corp, already among the largest food service distributors in the country, announced today that it is buying five businesses from Service Group of America. It’s a $1.8 billion cash deal that adds up to $3.2 billion in annual sales and 3,400 employees in a push West across the U.S. But what does that mean for your […]
Comcast looks to Sky for international expansion
Andy Uhler
Jul 19, 2018
Why the company is focused on Europe for growth.
For public good, not for profit.
Comcast, Disney in Fox chase
Reema Khrais
Jun 18, 2018
A federal court’s historic decision to let AT&T and Time Warner merge has unleashed other deal talks among giant companies. Just a day after the decision, Comcast renewed its bid for 21st Century Fox assets — a $65 billion offer. Compare that to Disney’s bid of $52.4 billion. Fox now has two eager suitors – both […]
What the AT&T ruling means for mergers and acquisitions
Jun 13, 2018
Yesterday … a judge cleared AT&T’s $85 billion acquisition of Time Warner. Today… Comcast bid $65 billion in cash for 21st Century Fox assets, which Disney is already trying to buy. Coincidence? I think not. The AT&T decision was closely watched for the implications it could have on other deals. So, more to come? Click […]
Does your dog really need "natural" food?
Erika Beras
Feb 23, 2018
General Mills is set to pay $8 billion for pet food maker Blue Buffalo. That’s the company that markets, among other products, “farm-to-table canine cuisine.” Here’s what’s behind this deal — and why this market is so red hot. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.