04/28/2017: A last-ditch effort to avoid a government shutdown
Apr 28, 2017

04/28/2017: A last-ditch effort to avoid a government shutdown


As Congress gets ready to vote on a stopgap funding bill that would prevent a government shutdown, we'll get you up to speed on where things stand. Afterwards, we'll talk about the country's economic growth as President Trump approaches his 100-day milestone, and then look at how many immigrants are starting to stay home due to increased fears of deportation.

Segments From this episode

Uneven economic development marks South LA neighborhoods hit hardest by '92 riots

Apr 28, 2017
A few areas are caught up in a real estate boom. But the community still bears scars from 25 years ago.
A room was transformed into a replica of a 1992 looted convenience store, part of the exhibit "Re-Imagine Justice" at the headquarters of the nonprofit Community Coalition in South LA.
Libby Denkmann/Marketplace

When people living illegally in the U.S. stay home, stores lose customers

Apr 28, 2017
Many Latino immigrants in Austin, Texas, are frequenting local businesses less on fears of arrest and deportation.
Immigrant families in McAllen, Texas, walk to a Catholic-run "immigrant respite center" before taking a bus from the border into the interior of the United States.
John Moore/Getty Images

First quarter GDP will offer clues to where economy is headed under Trump

Apr 28, 2017
The GDP first estimate for the first quarter is out Friday. President Trump has promised growth of 4 or even 5 percent; his treasury secretary just promised major economic growth in defense of the president’s supply-side tax proposal. But what, realistically, is the first quarter GDP likely to show? Economists are puzzling over a contradiction […]

04/28/2017: Parts of South LA still bear scars from the '92 riots

Apr 28, 2017
First-quarter economic growth numbers are out this morning, indicating that GDP underwent the slowest pace of growth in three years. We'll explore what the data points reveal about consumer and business activity. Next, we'll look at the local South LA economy 25 years after the infamous LA riots, which followed the acquittal of several white police officers who were caught on video beating the unarmed black motorist Rodney King. Today, some residents are enjoying a housing boom, but for many, economic conditions haven't improved since 1992.

Executive order seeks to open waters previously banned for offshore drilling

Apr 28, 2017
President Obama signed offshore drilling bans for Arctic and Atlantic areas just before he left office, but President Trump’s new executive order could cancel that. Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

As Congress gets ready to vote on a stopgap funding bill that would prevent a government shutdown, we’ll get you up to speed on where things stand. Afterwards, we’ll talk about the country’s economic growth as President Trump approaches his 100-day milestone, and then look at how many immigrants are starting to stay home due to increased fears of deportation.