From This Collection

09/04/2017: Americans aren't using those vacation days

Sep 4, 2017
There are reports that President Trump plans to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which has given hundreds of thousands of young immigrants a reprieve from deportation. We'll look at how recipients have been preparing, along with the role of immigration in Arizona's economy. Afterwards, we'll discuss how many Americans — especially millennials — aren't using their vacation days, and then explore the rise of Asian-inspired night markets in Southern California.

09/01/2017: Is it going to be difficult to find a lawyer in Harvey's aftermath?

Sep 1, 2017
The U.S. created 156,000 jobs in August, while the unemployment rate ticked up to 4.4 percent. The verdict? We're doing OK — not that great, not that bad. Chris Low, the CEO of FTN Financial, joins us to help sort through all the numbers. Afterwards, we'll look at a new Texas law that tilts the scales a bit back towards an insurance company if you get in a fight with one.

08/31/2017: How crowdfunding is changing disaster relief

Aug 31, 2017
Hurricane Harvey has caused up to $190 billion in damage, according to some estimates. That would make it the costliest natural disaster in the country's history. Diane Swonk, CEO of DS Economics, joins us to talk about Harvey's economic impact and how cleanup could affect the country's GDP. Afterwards, we'll chat with analyst Pavel Molchanov about the state of the United States' fuel infrastructure, and then look at how crowdfunding has changed disaster relief.

08/30/2017: "This government is nothing but dysfunctional"

Aug 30, 2017
Hurricane Harvey may have an effect on gas pumps that aren't anywhere near Texas. With oil refineries shutting down production, we'll take a look at how much gas prices across the country could rise. Afterwards, we'll discuss whether Trump will still go through with a government shutdown if he doesn't get funding for his U.S.-Mexico wall, and then talk about 21st Century Fox's decision to stop showing Fox News in Britain.

08/29/2017: Why investors are pulling billions out of mutual and exchange-traded funds

Aug 29, 2017
Mutual and exchange-traded funds focused on U.S. stocks are seeing billions of dollars flow out. Are investors just happy about the money they've already made, or are they noticing something in the underlying U.S economy? Macropolicy Perspective's Julia Coronado is here to explain what could be going on. Afterwards, we'll chat with energy fellow Ed Hirs from the University of Houston about Texas' refineries, and then talk about the FDA's decision to crack down on companies peddling fraudulent stem cell treatments.

08/28/2017: The real cost of a natural disaster

Aug 28, 2017
With Hurricane Harvey causing many refineries in Texas to temporarily shut down, we'll chat with Energy Intelligence analyst Barbara Shook about the effects this is having on crude oil and gasoline prices. Afterwards, we'll chat with University of South Carolina professor Robert Hartwig about why many people are left without flood insurance, and the difference between how much insured damage the industry has to pay out, and the overall economic cost of a natural disaster.

08/25/2017: Changing the way apartments operate in the gig economy

Aug 25, 2017
Fed Chair Janet Yellen is set to speak at the Fed's annual symposium at Jackson Hole today about financial stability. We'll chat with economist Diane Swonk about how our economy looks after a decade of easy monetary policy. Afterwards, we'll discuss how some companies are trying to make it easier to rent apartments on Airbnb.

For public good, not for profit.

08/24/2017: America's AAA credit rating is at risk

Aug 24, 2017
We've had federal government shutdowns and we've bumped into the federal borrowing limit, but now there's danger of both happening at the same time. Economist Julia Coronado MacroPolicy Perspectives joins us to talk about the issue, along with the state of the markets. Afterwards, we'll discuss the likely CEO shake-up at Chevron, and then look at Los Angeles' plans for reflective pavement so that it can keep city streets cooler.

08/23/2017: Public libraries aren't just for books

Aug 23, 2017
With the summer winding down, we'll check in with Westwood Holdings Group's Susan Schmidt about how the markets are doing. Afterwards, we'll discuss Staples' struggling sales, and then look at how some public libraries are starting to loan out musical instruments and telescopes.

08/22/2017: The number of U.S. border agents is on the decline

Aug 22, 2017
President Trump is in Phoenix, Arizona for a rally where he'll try to score points on immigration and his plans for a border wall. But it turns out hiring border guards is getting harder. On today's show, we'll take a look at some of the reasons for their decline . Afterwards, we'll discuss how consumers have responded to advances in smartphones, and then talk about what could lie on the agenda for Jackson Hole, a meeting between central bankers and policy experts that begins today.