What is Web3, exactly?

Jan 13, 2022
The next iteration of the internet is a hot topic of conversation in tech communities. Kevin Werbach of The Wharton School explains why.
"The claim is that Web3 is different, that's because it's built on blockchain and other kinds of cryptographic foundations that, in fact, will be open and decentralized," Wharton professor Kevin Werbach says.
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Why the economic recovery looks different for women of color

Jan 13, 2022
“There are going to be lingering scarring effects,” economist Michelle Holder said.
"When we look at some of the disaggregated dynamics of the labor market, in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, we recognize that not everybody is doing so well," says Dr. Alex Camardelle of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies.
Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images

When the IPO market sours, the effects ripple across the economy

Jan 13, 2022
Investors seem less welcoming to IPOs than in 2021.
2021 was a huge year for public stock offerings. But 2022? Maybe not. That could affect venture capital, government budgets and the housing market.
Spencer Platt via Getty Images

Garbage collection slows in many cities as COVID-19 hampers staffing

Jan 13, 2022
Municipalities around the country have had to delay or reschedule trash pickup days.
Cities across the country are seeing trash pile up as omicron spreads.
Ed Jones/AFP via Getty Images

For many retailers, business has never been better. The future? Uncertain.

Jan 13, 2022
Millions of Americans are still shopping like crazy. But retailers worry their voracious appetite won't last much longer.
Americans have been eager to shop in recent months but haven't been able to find everything they want. Fresh retail sales data will come out Friday.
Raul Ratje/AFP via Getty Images

Medicare proposes limiting coverage of controversial Alzheimer's drug

Jan 13, 2022
Government insurer won't cover Aduhelm's $28,000-a-year price tag except for clinical trials.
A sign for biotechnology company, Biogen, Inc. is seen on a building in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

For public good, not for profit.

IRS urges taxpayers to prepare to file ... and to wait

Jan 13, 2022
In a statement Monday, the agency warned that it is still addressing a backlog of taxpayer inquiries from the past year.
Anticipating a high volume of calls and the ensuing backlog, the IRS is urging people to prepare as much as possible this tax season.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

How do Americans feel about the economy? Not very hopeful, poll finds.

Rising prices for staples like food and gas was a key worry for respondents, along with concerns about COVID and political power.
Rising prices for things like food and gas were key worries mentioned by poll respondents.