First, LA welcomes subway body scanners. Next, a major city near you?

Sep 17, 2018
Questions loom about the new technology, like whether it has potential to keep travelers safe, or if it's just security theater.
Officers tested out the mobile units during a demonstration at Los Angeles Union Station. 
Sasa Woodruff/Marketplace

Fixing infrastructure: short-term pain, long-term gain

Aug 20, 2018
Crucial upgrades to the busy Route 495 bridge leading to the Lincoln Tunnel in New Jersey will snarl traffic.
Cars drive toward the Lincoln Tunnel on July 30 in New York City.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

By foot, by train, by bus: when the total daily commute stretches to six hours

Aug 17, 2018
Nationwide, most people still commute to work by car; 85 percent according to the 2016 census. Some people don’t have that option. People who don’t own vehicles often rely on public transportation, and in Dallas, 54 percent of people who do that spend at least 45 minutes commuting, each way. One Texan has a commute that’s considerably […]
Dallas resident Chris Crowley commutes three hours each way to his job at Home Depot.
Allison V. Smith for Marketplace

In an effort to boost ridership, Atlanta is rebranding its trains and buses

Jun 6, 2018
Transit in Atlanta has struggled with a bad reputation. State lawmakers hope a new brand will change that.
Atlanta area leaders want to change the brand of transit locally. The name of the city’s longtime transit agency, MARTA, has baggage.
Stephannie Stokes for Marketplace

Is Uber disrupting itself with its bike share investment?

It recently bought Jump, giving users an alternative to cars.
A Jump bike sits in front of Uber headquarters in San Francisco. Uber acquired Jump for an undisclosed amount of money.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Transportation tech companies join agreement to work with cities

Feb 1, 2018
As the world’s largest cities face huge shifts in how people get around, disruptive tech transportation companies seek the best routes to integrating new solutions with existing infrastructure. Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

When it comes to public transportation, that last mile to get home can be an issue

Jan 30, 2018
Getting people to their front door can sometimes make for a tricky problem for public transit. It turns out that’s a big challenge for package delivery too.
Atlanta’s Relay Bike Share lets people rent bikes by the hour or by the day. Drop off points near transit hubs and popular destinations give MARTA riders a last mile option.
Photo courtesy of MARTA

For public good, not for profit.

Crossrail expands access to London, and its high-flying housing market

Sep 12, 2017
Prices are up along the new east-west railway, and some are worried about being pushed out.
A worker walks toward the entrance of the Canary Wharf Crossrail station in the financial district of London in February.

New York won't arrest you for stealing a subway ride anymore

Aug 31, 2017
"Most offenders aren’t looking to beat the system," a Legal Aid Society defender says.
Police officers watch a turnstile in New York City's Times Square subway station in 2005.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

New York drivers could face a whole new set of roadblocks

Aug 23, 2017
They’re calling it the Summer of Hell for transportation in New York City. There have been repairs to Penn Station, causing rerouting of New Jersey Transit and Amtrak trains and meltdowns in the aging subway infrastructure. To raise funds for improvements, New York is considering imposing additional tolls or fees on drivers who want to […]