Stories Tagged as
South Dakota
How a food business tied to the hotel industry is recovering from COVID-19
Kai Ryssdal
and Maria Hollenhorst
Apr 20, 2021
“We're not there yet,” said Kurt Loudenback, CEO of Grand Prairie Foods. “But we feel pretty optimistic about 2021.”
My Economy: How the Pine Ridge reservation regroups after floods
Liz Sanchez
and Sean McHenry
May 13, 2019
A South Dakota tour business prepares for its busiest season in the wake of Midwestern flooding.
Reinventing the rural health care system
Feb 2, 2018
A new report outlines the challenges the health care system in rural communities faces.
Another media company under the microscope with 'pink slime' defamation trial
Jun 5, 2017
Beef Products Inc. has filed a nearly $6 billion lawsuit against ABC.
What you need to know about the Dakota Access pipeline fight
Tony Wagner
Sep 13, 2016
Explore the pipeline's path with our interactive map.
The pheasant economic indicator
Kai Ryssdal
Oct 16, 2013
The Federal Reserve notes that pheasants in South Dakota can tell us a lot about the economy.
Farming that puts Google maps to shame
Kai Ryssdal
Sep 5, 2013
Technology that comes from a company in Sioux Falls is helping farmers do more with less in a high-tech way.
For public good, not for profit.
Sioux Falls: The economic center of the universe
Kai Ryssdal
Sep 4, 2013
You've probably had a taste of something made in Sioux Falls, South Dakota — and you didn't even know it.
PODCAST: "American Futures" and the power of maps
Kai Ryssdal
Aug 26, 2013
A podcast to launch our new collaboration with the The Atlantic's Jim Fallows, featuring an exclusive interview with the most important CEO you've never heard of: Esri's Jack Dangermond.
Is Sioux Falls' 3.5% unemployment rate America's future?
Kai Ryssdal
Aug 16, 2013
Marketplace is partnering with The Atlantic, covering what the American economy looks like today, from smaller cities and towns across the country. First stop: Sioux Falls.