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University of Phoenix barred from military recruiting

Oct 9, 2015
The Pentagon puts for-profit college chain on probation.

Frustrations mark run for U.S.-made soldiers' sneakers

Sep 16, 2015
New Balance says DOD put up roadblocks as it tried to make shoes for soldiers.

What's the military doing in our food?

A new book investigates how the military influences the way we eat.
A meal made by the Department of Defense Combat Feeding Directorate at the Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center.
David Kamm/NSRDEC Photographer/flickr

U.S. Army recruits young innovators

Jul 2, 2015
Armament research lab wants to help kids patent and sell their ideas.

Some gay veterans get fewer benefits

Jun 8, 2015
The VA can only recognize same-sex marriages in states where it's legal.

Military families turn to food stamps

May 25, 2015
Frequent moves or a parent overseas take a financial toll on those serving.

Building a more accessible home, no matter your budget

May 1, 2015
Prices vary, but universal, accessible design is becoming more mainstream.

For public good, not for profit.

Dynamic camouflage will let soldiers hide like a squid

Apr 24, 2015
Taking inspiration from animals to design the camouflage of the future.

Lessons From the F-35

Apr 14, 2015
How did the Pentagon’s F-35 fighter jet program, which was originally thought up as a way to cut costs, end up becoming the most expensive weapons program in history? Mackenzie Eaglen, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, says policymakers boxed themselves into this expensive fighter jet. “By canceling the F-22 air superiority fighter,” […]

Do today's veterans really have trouble getting jobs?

Mar 18, 2015
That sounds true, but the numbers are elusive.