A losing battle: Veterans unable to correct mistakes in records

Nov 6, 2014
Veterans say the Army 's system for correcting records is stacked against them.

The discount that links big tobacco to the military

Oct 1, 2014
Legislation wants the big business of selling tobacco to military members to stop.

What $500 million buys for the Syrian opposition

Sep 8, 2014
What does that money buy, and how do you know you're not equipping the wrong people?

Military wages war on bad grades

Aug 8, 2014
New rules will require under-performing service members to pay back their tuition.

Navy sailors get an e-reader called 'NeRD'

May 15, 2014
The Navy is giving submarine crews very expensive tablets that let sailors read pre-loaded books.

Military commissaries consider going generic

Apr 21, 2014
Commissary prices have some wondering if stocking generics is a solution.

Proposed Defense budget decreases Army levels

Feb 24, 2014
The Army may end up at its smallest level since 1940.

For public good, not for profit.

In Geneva, a debate over killer robots

Nov 13, 2013
This week, the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons may decide whether to consider a ban on autonomous machines of the future that could kill without command.

Bankers go to boot camp

Oct 24, 2013
USAA goes to unusual lengths to ensure its staff understand their customers.

Post-9/11 GI Bill means a new Greatest Generation

Sep 26, 2013
The new GI Bill, signed into law five years ago, boosted educational funding available for veterans who served after 9/11.