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Russia faces a mounting bill for maintaining its invasion of Ukraine

Mar 23, 2022
In the long run, the country's economy will pay a high price.
From the costs for weapons and tanks to food, the invasion of Ukraine is likely costing Russia more than it anticipated.
AFP via Getty Images

Military contractors and the profits of war

Aug 16, 2021
DynCorp International, KBR and Fluor Corp. often operated under no-bid military contracts, which granted them monopolies on huge deals.
Soldiers and civilian contractors sort through supplies near Gardez, Afghanistan, in 2014.
Scott Olson via Getty Images

What growing up in a company town is like when the company is the U.S. government

Aug 13, 2018
In her new memoir, Karen Piper details growing up near the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station.
Duplexes at the Naval Air Weapons Station at China Lake circa 1948 
J.R. Eyerman/Getty Images

Mr. Conte goes to Washington

Jul 30, 2018
Today President Donald Trump will welcome Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to the White House. When Conte and Trump met earlier this year at the G7 and NATO summits, they found common ground on Russia and on anti-immigration policy. But they see things differently when it comes to trade and military spending — two issues […]
Italy's Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte (L) shakes hands with the President of the United States Donald Trump on the first day of the G7 Summit, on 8 June, 2018 in La Malbaie, Canada.
Leon Neal/Getty Images

Will Europe start spending more on defense?

Sep 5, 2014
With new threats from Russia and ISIS, belt-tightening could come to an end.

President Obama travels east, still pledging a 'pivot'

Apr 21, 2014
The President will visit East Asia this week – stopping in Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and South Korea.

Proposed Defense budget decreases Army levels

Feb 24, 2014
The Army may end up at its smallest level since 1940.

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