Stories Tagged as
Women's wealth is growing, and wealth managers are adjusting
Kristin Schwab
and Nicholas Guiang
Jan 1, 2025
Bloomberg's Claire Ballentine reports that women tend to be conservative, thoughtful investors and donate more to charity than men.
What is the "great wealth transfer," and who'll benefit from it?
Dec 12, 2024
Financial consultants predict older Americans will pass on $124 trillion, boosted by stocks and real estate, to heirs and charities through 2048.
Clinton tweaks estate tax proposal to raise rates at the top
Sep 23, 2016
Trump would repeal this tax on the very wealthy, while Clinton would increase it.
The Conversation: Do you have a will?
May 6, 2016
Do you have any experience with wills? Will you leave one of your own? Why or why not?
No inheritance? No problem
Mar 18, 2016
Only 25 percent expect to receive an inheritance, but 51 percent think they will leave one.
What do you teach your kids about money?
Nov 6, 2015
Tell us the most important lesson you want to pass on about money.
For public good, not for profit.
A closer look at inheritance taxes
Jan 22, 2015
How would president's trust fund plans affect controversial inheritance taxes?
My Money Story: Waiting on Inheritance
Jenny Ament
Jan 9, 2015
An inheritance can do unexpected things to a family.
Is Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy public or private?
Jenny Ament
Jan 9, 2015
Some people whose lives and work leave an inheritance of for more than just their families.