How to plan for passing away

Jan 18, 2012
It isn't always an easy subject, but what are the best ways to plan ahead for your funeral, and the money you leave behind?

We got an inheritance. Now what?

Dec 14, 2011
My husband and I recently inherited over $150,000, which is more than enough money to pay off our mortgage OR invest for our retirement. My husband wants to pay off the mortgage, leaving us with very little to invest. I prefer to put the bulk of the money "to work" via a nationally known and reputable financial services group, using a conservative and long-term approach. What do you suggest? Susan, Brookville, IN

The principle of "Pop"

Dec 2, 2011
How do we deal with an inheritance in an intelligent and fiscally sound manner? Thank you! Steve, Drexel Hill, PA

What now?

Oct 25, 2011
Question: I own shares in a family business and my shares are being purchased. I will be paid approximately $150,000 over the next ten years in...