Want someone to pay off your student loans? There’s an app for that.
Dec 17, 2019

Want someone to pay off your student loans? There’s an app for that.

How will the Phase I trade deal between the U.S. and China be enforced? A company crowdfunds student loan repayment. Why American free markets might not actually be so free.

Segments From this episode

Giving the gift of less debt

Dec 17, 2019
Pillar lets friends and relatives make student loan payments as a holiday gift.

Market concentration and low competition has become the new normal in America

Dec 17, 2019
NYU finance professor Thomas Philippon argues that U.S. markets are no longer as free and competitive as they were a few decades ago.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Music from the episode

The team

Victoria Craig Host, BBC
Stephen Ryan Senior Producer, BBC
Jonathan Frewin Producer, BBC
Daniel Shin Producer
Meredith Garretson Morbey Senior Producer
Alex Schroeder Producer
Erika Soderstrom Producer
Rose Conlon Producer
Brian Allison Technical Director

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