How "affordable" Cleveland is witnessing a rise in renting

People are now wondering what an economic slowdown in China might mean for the rest of the world after Apple’s downgraded revenue forecast pointed to slowing iPhone sales in the country. Also, the Department of Labor is trying to fix its visa application website after it crashed earlier this week. You can’t blame the shutdown for this; instead this is tied to a record number of requests for temporary worker permits. We then look at how renting has become the residential method of choice following the burst of the housing bubble. This is especially true in places like Cleveland, Ohio, which have typically seen as an "affordable" places not to rent, but to buy a house. Today's show is sponsored by Indeed, Pitney Bowes and Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage.
People are now wondering what an economic slowdown in China might mean for the rest of the world after Apple’s downgraded revenue forecast pointed to slowing iPhone sales in the country. Also, the Department of Labor is trying to fix its visa application website after it crashed earlier this week. You can’t blame the shutdown for this; instead this is tied to a record number of requests for temporary worker permits. We then look at how renting has become the residential method of choice following the burst of the housing bubble. This is especially true in places like Cleveland, Ohio, which have typically seen as an “affordable” places not to rent, but to buy a house. Today’s show is sponsored by Indeed, Pitney Bowes and Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage.