Stories Tagged as
World Bank
Why economic growth among developing countries is slowing
Sabri Ben-Achour
and Alex Schroeder
Jan 17, 2025
Over the first 10 years of the 21st century, developing economies were growing at historically fast rates. That has since changed.
How trade-oriented is the U.S. economy?
Jul 10, 2024
Compared to many other countries, the U.S. trade-to-GDP ratio is below the global average. But the explanation is complicated.
World Bank: Record debt hurting developing countries
Dec 14, 2023
Low and middle-income nations spent $443.5 billion on principal and interest in 2022, says global lender. Many defaulted in recent years.
U.S. economy among the few bright spots at World Bank/IMF annual meeting
Oct 10, 2023
The meetings are being held in Morocco, still struggling to recover from a severe earthquake just a month ago. The contrast with the U.S. could not be more stark. The IMF says the U.S. is the only major economy where output has returned to pre-pandemic levels.
Why is Latin America's economy lagging in its pandemic recovery?
David Brancaccio
and Ariana Rosas
Aug 1, 2023
William Maloney, chief economist for Latin America and the Caribbean at the World Bank, says inflation is only part of the puzzle.
Climate change is high on the agenda as the World Bank gets a new president
Lily Jamali
May 2, 2023
The outgoing World Bank president has been accused of downplaying the risks of fossil fuels.
World Bank convenes amid a shaky global economic backdrop
David Brancaccio
, Alex Schroeder
and Jarrett Dang
Apr 10, 2023
Chief David Malpass discusses the obstacles facing developing nations, including a scarcity of investment capital and loans from the rich world.
For public good, not for profit.
World Bank predicts sharp economic downturn, hitting developing countries hardest
Lily Jamali
Jan 12, 2023
The projected slump would put the global economy on a razor’s edge, World Bank researchers say.
Global economic growth likely to slow in 2022, World Bank says
David Brancaccio
and Rose Conlon
Jan 12, 2022
Inequalities between and within countries could widen in 2022, World Bank President David Malpass warns.
World Bank proposes a $12 billion fund for COVID vaccine dispersal to poor and developing countries
David Brancaccio
and Daniel Shin
Oct 5, 2020
World Bank President David Malpass believes his institution will be well situated to both fund and assist in a global COVID vaccine distribution effort.