With tariffs on our closest allies, what kind of trade policy is this?

Jun 1, 2018
It's "a steady policy of throwing stink bombs into rooms, having the room clear out and then saying, 'OK, let's sit down and talk.'"
Mexico announced sweeping retaliatory tariffs on a host of U.S. goods Thursday after the United States slapped steep tariffs on steel and aluminum from Mexico, Canada and the European Union. Above, a man works in a steel distribution factory in Monterrey in northern Mexico on May 31.

American manufacturers cope with the loss of EU tariff exemptions

Duties seem like a thing between countries, but individual businesses often wind up holding the economic bag.
Rail cars loaded with rolled up steel at ThyssenKrupp Schwelgern steel plant on May 30, 2018, in Duisburg, Germany.
Michael Gottschalk/Getty Images

America's relationship with Europe is in "disarray"

May 31, 2018
The Trump administration plans to impose penalties on steel and aluminum from Europe, Canada and Mexico. One expert says our relationship with China might actually be more constructive than our relationship with Europe right now.
French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President Donald Trump conferring at last year's G20 meeting, a gathering of the world's top economies.

One family-run business caught in the crosshairs of global trade policy

May 30, 2018
Fifth-generation foundry owners say a changing consensus about manufacturing in Washington is "overdue."
Goldens' Foundry and Machine Co. is a fifth-generation family-owned business in Columbus, Georgia.
Daisy Palacios/Marketplace

Trade tensions between the U.S. and China heat up again on President Trump’s latest tariffs threat

May 29, 2018
The president wants to stop China from acquiring intellectual property and stealing our technology.

Here’s how the supply chain for car-making got global

May 24, 2018
President Donald Trump has ordered the Commerce Department to look into whether higher tariffs are needed on imports of cars, trucks and automotive parts, in the interest of national security. But how do you decide if a vehicle is imported? These days, some American brands are made overseas. Foreign carmakers have factories in the U.S. […]

The automotive supply chain is "truly a global market"

May 24, 2018
What makes an imported car an imported car? It's complicated.
Workers assemble Porsche Cayenne and Panamera cars at an assembly line at the Porsche factory in 2012 in Leipzig, Germany.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

U.S. pauses China tariffs but deal has its shortcomings

May 21, 2018
The reason the United States is pausing tariffs on China for now appears to be a promise from China that it will increase its imports from the U.S. — primarily agricultural and energy products. That would presumably help — at least in the short term — to reduce the U.S. trade deficit with China, which […]

The U.S. wants China to buy more American goods to help lower the trade deficit. Does it work that way?

May 18, 2018
There’s been a little bit of confusion these past couple days on how trade talks with China are going. U.S. officials told CNN that China had offered to bump up purchases of American goods by $200 billion. Chinese officials said that’s not true. The Trump administration believes that the trade deficit with China could be brought […]

Farmers have been relying on the high value of their land to get them through years of low commodity prices

May 18, 2018
Land accounts for 80 percent of farm assets according to the Department of Agriculture. So farmers are using their land as collateral to face low commodity prices, but the amount of production that farmers need to service their debt is rising.  Click the audio player above to hear the full story.