Why a food scientist is trying to make powdered breast milk

Feb 20, 2017
Donated breast milk in liquid form can be expensive because it needs to be to be screened for disease and drugs, and then stored. One way to address this may be a technique called "spray-drying."
Containers with donated milk at the human milk bank in Lima, Peru.

Why mud cracks on Mars matter

Jan 19, 2017
A scientist from the Curiosity team tells about the rover's latest find and what it's like to work on Martian time.
This view of a Martian rock slab called "Old Soaker," which has a network of cracks that may have originated in drying mud, comes from the mast camera on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover.

The legacy of early female astronomers

Dec 6, 2016
We explore cracks in the glass ceiling from a very long time ago.
Dava Sobel, author of "The Glass Universe: How the Ladies of the Harvard Observatory Took the Measure of the Stars"
Mia Berg

How "Jurassic Park" inspired one doctor

Oct 5, 2016
In "Wonder Women," Sam Maggs details the accomplishments of trailblazing women. Here's one of their stories.

Basic research, over decades, is Zuckerberg's goal

Sep 22, 2016
Facebook founder and his physician wife have a charitable venture built for the long haul.
David Ramos/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Who tweets for Einstein?

Feb 11, 2016
We talked with the guy who helps represent Albert Einstein's estate.
A couple visits a statue of Albert Einstein, who theorized about gravitational waves, at the Albert Einstein Memorial February 11, 2016 in Washington, DC. In a landmark discovery for physics and astronomy, scientists said on February 11, 2016, they have glimpsed the first direct evidence of gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of space-time that Albert Einstein predicted a century ago.

Ever wonder why you bought that ugly sweater?

The way a store looks, sounds, and even smells has a major impact on your spending.
Stores and malls make a conscious effort to create an aesthetic that draws in customers.
John Macdougall/Getty Images

Bill Nye on what science knowledge is worth

Sep 18, 2015
Wish you'd paid closer attention in science class?