Hospitals worry as Obamacare repeal vote approaches

Mar 23, 2017
If more people lose insurance, hospitals will lose millions of dollars.
It takes money to buy powerful hospital equipment. If Obamacare is repealed, it could threaten hospital revenue streams.
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

What would Medicaid work requirements mean for those who receive it?

Mar 21, 2017
On Thursday night, the House is expected to vote on a bill to repeal Obamacare. The only hurdle is Republicans themselves. House leaders are desperate to get enough conservatives on board to get the bill to the Senate, so last night they made some changes to it. One sweetener: letting states add work requirements to […]

House Republicans look for more support with revised health care bill

Mar 21, 2017
A vote on the amendments is expected Thursday.
Dr. Martha Perez examines Maria Lebron in a room at the Community Health of South Florida, Doris Ison Health Center in Miami, Florida. 
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Who wins and loses under the GOP’s health care proposal?

Mar 14, 2017
24 million could end up uninsured with the Republican plan, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
The CBO estimates that 24 million people will lose health insurance under the Republican plan to replace Obamacare. Above, Dr. Martha Perez examines Dorothy Jolly at Community Health of South Florida.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

24 million Americans could lose health insurance under GOP plan

Mar 13, 2017
The Congressional Budget Office's estimate is worse than analysts were expecting.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-WI, center, answers questions about the American Health Care Act with House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-CA, left and Greg Walden, R-OR, House Energy and Commerce Committee chairman.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Taking Wisconsinites' temperature on Obamacare

Mar 13, 2017
Residents of Wisconsin, a state that helped elect President Donald Trump, have mixed feelings about the Affordable Care Act.
A constituent demonstrates during a rally in support of the Affordable Care Act.
Lisa Lake/Getty Images for

The race is on to mark up the Affordable Care Act replacement

Mar 8, 2017
Committee work has begun on the process of marking up the GOP alternative to the Affordable Care Act. But while Obamacare took months to craft, Republican lawmakers are trying to move through their repeal-and-replace bill much swifter. Committee markup on a bill of this size would normally take weeks, but in this case, Republicans are […]

For public good, not for profit.

Who scores the GOP's revised health plan and its costs?

Mar 7, 2017
The Congressional Budget Office figures the price of new legislation and tries to predict behavioral changes.
 Tom Price, U.S. secretary of Health and Human Services, compares a copy of the Affordable Care Act, right, and a copy of the new House Republican health care bill at the White House daily press briefing.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Obamacare replacement inches forward

Mar 3, 2017
The future of the Affordable Care Act has dominated much of the week’s news. People have pored over a leaked draft of a House proposal to repeal and replace Obamacare, and President Donald Trump signaled his larger priorities on the issue in a speech to Congress on Tuesday. The desire for health care reform is […]

Are we going to see meaningful tax reform soon?

Mar 1, 2017
We may have to wait until 2018.
President Donald Trump with Mick Mulvaney, far left, director of the Office of Management and Budget, and Republican congressional leaders at a working lunch in the Roosevelt Room on Wednesday.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images