Stories Tagged as
Space industry pollution above could have serious consequences for the environment below
Kai Ryssdal
and Sofia Terenzio
Feb 5, 2024
Damage to the ozone layer could raise the risk of skin cancer, cataracts and immune disorders, says science reporter Shannon Hall.
It may not have a cantina, but this Virginia spaceport is firing up its local economy
Jul 13, 2023
Last year, the world set a Space Age record by launching more than 180 rockets into orbit. And every launch pumps money into local coffers.
Will private funds fuel the next space race?
Oct 22, 2019
Indian space entrepreneur Susmita Mohanty talks about the future of private space exploration ahead of 70th annual International Astronautical Conference.
NASA partners with commercial companies to return to the moon
Jack Stewart
Jul 19, 2019
NASA is looking to commercial partners to figure out crew transports, use of lunar resources and surviving extreme environments.
Who knew a space agency could go viral?
Molly Wood
Apr 10, 2019
By using social media, NASA discovered what the public was looking for.
At SpaceX, Gwynne Shotwell's job is to solve the problems that others can't
Kai Ryssdal
Dec 12, 2018
"If there were no issues, then you don't need me," Shotwell says.
To live in space, we have to build things in space
Molly Wood
Dec 3, 2018
Some companies are trying to move manufacturing to space.
For public good, not for profit.
Private enterprise will help NASA return to the moon
Nov 30, 2018
NASA is partnering with nine private aerospace companies to begin missions back to the earth's only natural, permanent satellite.
Pence outlines plan for new Space Force by 2020
Aug 9, 2018
The White House envisions the force as a separate military branch, which would require levels of infrastructure and various kinds of military and civilian leadership.
Scott Kelly's new mission is on Earth
Molly Wood
, Stephanie Hughes
and Shaheen Ainpour
Mar 8, 2018
The astronaut talks about his life and work in science.