Stories Tagged as
Coca-Cola reportedly exploring cannabis-infused beverages
Sep 18, 2018
Bloomberg TV reports the soft drinks giant is in talks with Aurora Cannabis of Canada, though Coca-Cola says "no decisions have been made."
Feds change marijuana policy, which could affect businesses involved
Reema Khrais
Jan 4, 2018
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions today rescinded an Obama-era policy that helped legal marijuana thrive in parts of the United States. Sessions, a longtime critic of marijuana legalization, says it causes spikes in violence and crime. He has likened marijuana to heroin. What Sessions repealed today is known as the “Cole memo.” It discouraged federal […]
U.S. to end lenient policy that let legal pot flourish
Jan 4, 2018
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is rescinding the Obama-era policy that has generally barred federal law enforcement officials from interfering with marijuana sales in states where the drug is legal.
Even in legal markets, cannabis advertisers have limited options
Dec 27, 2017
Navigating between federal and states advertising laws can be tricky.
Real estate investors help grow the medical-marijuana business
Justin Ho
Feb 28, 2017
And, land a cannabis-related stock on the New York Stock Exchange.
The real estate industry smells big money in marijuana
Sam Harnett
Jan 10, 2017
Right now could be a very good time to own a big commercial space in California. Why? Marijuana.
As the marijuana business grows, is there room for the little guy?
Jeff Tyler
Sep 20, 2016
Some investors see legalized cannabis as a hot market in the future.
For public good, not for profit.
Jun 1, 2016
They said it couldn't be done: Ending the American war on marijuana. This week, Actuality tells the ugly truth about cannabis prohibition and peeks at the green shoots of the nascent legal weed industry — but can the architects of a new market avoid the mistakes of the past?
Why aren't more women in the pot business?
Donna Tam
Apr 20, 2016
Female consumers may be key to helping pot shed its hippie roots to become big business but traditionally, they aren't associated with the cannabis industry.
Where is the best place to start a marijuana business if you're a woman?
Donna Tam
Apr 20, 2016
Pot is a booming business, but some states are more ganja entrepreneur-friendly than others.