Stories Tagged as
Why lithium prices have been on a roller coaster ride
Henry Epp
Feb 6, 2024
Just a few years ago, lithium prices surged with expectations that EV demand was going to take off. Now prices are down about 80%.
Could the sand battery make renewable energy more dependable?
Jul 29, 2022
A start-up in Finland unveils the world’s first commercial heat storage system using sand to solve the problem of the variability of solar and wind power.
The price of lithium is way up. And right now, electric cars depend on it.
Jan 26, 2022
The metal is a key ingredient in the batteries that power all those electric cars.
Lithium may fuel a mining revival in England's Cornwall
Oct 19, 2020
Tin mining in Cornwall ground to a halt more than 20 years ago. Now the county has discovered what may be a rich new source of underground wealth.
Why are the Dreamliner's batteries malfunctioning?
Scott Tong
Feb 1, 2013
Big battery packs are a balancing challenge -- if the cells work unevenly, one can overheat and burst into flames.
That battery in your cell phone packs a lot of history
Scott Tong
Jan 31, 2013
Prof. John Goodenough discovered the advance that made the lithium-ion battery -- and the wireless world -- possible. But now another breakthrough is needed.
Jelly, not just for donuts, for batteries too
John Moe
Sep 12, 2011
One of the biggest problems with the lithium batteries used in everything from laptops to electric cars, its liquid electrolyte. It gets really hot...