An end to bypassing China's great firewall?

Mar 30, 2018
Ever thought of a life without access to Twitter, Facebook or even Google? For years, residents in China have used virtual private networks, or VPNs, to bypass the government’s strict regulation on internet usage. Recently however, the Chinese government has announced a crackdown on its citizens’ use of VPNs and is closing a lot of […]

The census adds a citizenship question for the first time since 1950

Mar 27, 2018
Every 10 years, the government takes an accounting of us. Ideally, every one of us. And that population count — the U.S. Census — determines a lot of things, like how many seats your state has in the House of Representatives, and how much federal money is doled out to local communities for important services […]

Why budgets of federal agencies are “use-it-or-lose-it”

Mar 27, 2018
Federal agencies are now trying to figure out how to spend billions of dollars in the next six months. President Donald Trump signed the $1.3 trillion spending bill Congress sent him last week, unleashing funding for fiscal year 2018, which is already half over. It’s a use-it-or-lose it situation for federal agencies. Click the audio player […]

The troubled relationship between politicians and economists

Mar 27, 2018
An excerpt from Princeton economics professor Alan Blinder's new book, "Advice and Dissent: Why America Suffers When Politics and Economics Collide."
The House of Representatives and Senate have about a dozen working days to hammer out 12 separate spending bills. Above, the U.S. Capitol.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

Did the government meddle too much during the financial crisis?

Mar 13, 2018
The former head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. shares her perspective.
 Sheila Bair.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Jobs report: What's not to like?

Mar 9, 2018
More than 300,000 jobs were added to the economy last month.
Surrounded by steel and aluminum workers, President Donald Trump signs a proclamation on steel imports at the White House on March 8.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Government unions face a big court challenge

Feb 23, 2018
The decision could mean a lot less money for unions that represent state and local workers.
Wendy Smith, president of AFSCME Local 558. 
Nancy Marshall-Genzer

For public good, not for profit.

How does China’s social credit system work?

Feb 13, 2018
With a lack of financial data to assess creditworthiness, citizens are being rewarded for honesty and punish misdeeds, which are digitally archived.
In Shanghai, jaywalking could be recorded on your social credit file, along with refusing to visit elderly parents or not sorting your garbage into the appropriate bins.
Johannes Eisele/AFP/Getty Images

On infrastructure, Donald Trump has a math problem

Feb 12, 2018
Today, the White House outlined a $1.5 trillion plan to deal with our nation’s infrastructure problems — everything from waterways to highways to commercial space infrastructure. But the federal government plans to provide just $200 billion of that $1.5 trillion. Where would the rest come from? Mostly from state and local governments, who already feel burdened […]

Behind all this market volatility, there’s another storm brewing

Feb 6, 2018
How does fiscal policy play into what's happening in the markets?
“I'm not concerned about market volatility. The fundamentals are quite strong,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said today during testimony before the House Financial Services Committee after two days of historic losses in the stock markets.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images