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Big change to farm subsidies

Mar 11, 2015
Taxpayers are on the hook after changes in the Farm Bill

Farm bill would cut subsidies, but will it matter?

Jan 29, 2014
For almost two decades, farmers have gotten what are called “direct payments” from the government.

Tom Vilsack: Polar vortex relief 'won’t happen until we have a farm bill'

Jan 10, 2014
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack talks polar vortex, the farm bill, and food prices.

What bottles of milk tell you about the farm bill

Jan 9, 2014
As the negotiations in Congress continue on the massive farm bill, what impact does the government’s price controls of milk really have?

'Breathing room' in Congress? Don't hold your breath

Dec 17, 2013
There are plenty of issues that still need to be dealt with before any grand bargain -- everything from the Farm Bill to unemployment insurance to the debt limit.

Food stamps may be cut from new farm bill

Jul 8, 2013
In an effort to get it passed, some in Congress want to split the food-stamps part of the bill from the farm subsidy part.

Could California's humane chicken law hatch a national trend? (Map)

Jun 13, 2013
A battle is brewing over a California law that requires laying-hens to be given more space in the coop. Other egg-producing states want to override the law’s requirement.

For public good, not for profit.

The meaning behind means testing for crop insurance

Jun 11, 2013
Tucked into the farm bill is language that would add means testing to the federally subsidized crop insurance program.

Agriculture Secretary keeps eye on farm bill, organic farming

May 15, 2013
Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack hopes organic farming will help financially strapped small-scale farmers.

Is it time to shrink a growing food stamp program?

May 10, 2013
Lawmakers in the House and Senate begin work on the Farm Bill this week, and SNAP, the food stamp program, is on the agenda
A sign in a New York City market window advertises the acceptance of food stamps.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images