03/13/17: How many would be affected by the GOP’s new health insurance plan?
Mar 13, 2017

03/13/17: How many would be affected by the GOP’s new health insurance plan?


The Congressional Budget Office is expected to soon announce how much the GOP replacement plan for Obamacare will cost and how many people will be affected. We'll talk about what some agencies are estimating, then explore how people in Wisconsin are feeling about possible changes in health insurance. Plus: a look at the rocky relationship between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Trump.

Segments From this episode

Amid tension, Merkel comes to Washington

Mar 13, 2017
This week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is making her first visit to the White House since President Donald Trump took office. It comes after both world leaders leveled heavy criticisms against each other on many things, including policies on trade and immigration. What’s at stake? Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

Aluminum workers say they wouldn't want their kids to do the same work

Mar 13, 2017
The Alcoa aluminum plant laid off hundreds of workers last year. They miss the pay and camaraderie, but say they wouldn't want their kids following them into smelter work.
Bob Greiner teaches automotive technology to laid-off Alcoa workers in a retraining program at Wenatchee Valley College.
Mitchell Hartman/Marketplace

Republican-controlled Congress to hit its first debt ceiling this week

Mar 13, 2017
President Donald Trump is set to release a so-called “skinny budget” this week. However, Congress has a more pressing money issue. On Wednesday, we bump up against the debt ceiling. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

Taking Wisconsinites' temperature on Obamacare

Mar 13, 2017
Residents of Wisconsin, a state that helped elect President Donald Trump, have mixed feelings about the Affordable Care Act.
A constituent demonstrates during a rally in support of the Affordable Care Act.
Lisa Lake/Getty Images for Moveon.org

03/13/17: Are constant rate hikes a good thing?

Mar 13, 2017
With the next Fed meeting coming up soon, market strategist Karyn Cavanaugh stops by to explain what we can expect from Janet Yellen and co., and whether we should be worried about the possibility of constant rate hikes. Next, we'll report on the start of the debt ceiling countdown clock, and then talk with laid-off aluminum workers from Wenatchee, Washington about memories from their line of work.

The Congressional Budget Office is expected to soon announce how much the GOP replacement plan for Obamacare will cost and how many people will be affected. We’ll talk about what some agencies are estimating, then explore how people in Wisconsin are feeling about possible changes in health insurance. Plus: a look at the rocky relationship between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Trump.