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Public fears of sovereign wealth funds

Jul 9, 2008
A group of sovereign wealth funds gathered today in Singapore to address peoples' concerns that government-backed investments are politically motivated. John Dimsdale reports why these funds pose a dilemma for the U.S.

Doctors, insurers split over Medicare

Jul 9, 2008
Some doctors are threatening to stop seeing Medicare patients if Congress goes through with cutting doctors fees more than 10 percent. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports both sides of the debate have taken to the TV airwaves.

Expand unemployment insurance now

Jul 9, 2008
Congress has just extended unemployment benefits 13 additional weeks, but most people don't qualify for benefits these days. Commentator Robert Reich says the guidelines to qualify for unemployment insurance should be loosened.

Roadside greenwash reminders from coal country

Jul 9, 2008
Riding through Pennsylvania on my way home from a lovely family wedding a few days ago, I had a glimpse into why greenwash detectors like our blog...

Invest for the Long Haul

Jul 9, 2008
Question: I'm a 27-year old investor with about $3,000 in a $13,500 retirement portfolio in cash and probably another $1,500 in employer...

France brushes up on modern art

Jul 8, 2008
French art collectors don't have much of an appetite for contemporary works, so the government is giving buyers incentives to spend their money in the modern art market. John Laurenson reports.

China scrambles to the finish line

Jul 8, 2008
With just 30 days until the opening ceremonies, there are still a lot of cranes working over Beijing. Host Kai Ryssdal asks Marketplace's Lisa Chow how much work is left to prepare the city for the big event.

For public good, not for profit.

Learning the value of your land

Jul 8, 2008
Landowners who've allowed energy companies to drill on their property often got the short end of the stick, but one man's seminars have helped them land better deals. Ann Murray reports.

Search for ideal fuel is nothing new

Jul 8, 2008
Skyrocketing oil prices are just the latest force pushing the scramble for cheap fuel, a search that commentator and economic historian John Steele Gordon says is as old as humanity itself.

G8 gives clean coal a boost

Jul 8, 2008
As the U.S. cuts its plans for clean coal plants, the G8 nations are giving the technology a vote of confidence. But can clean coal deliver results in time to curb global warming? Sam Eaton reports.