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An incentive for saving

Feb 27, 2006
Hillary Wicai looks at an innovative state program to encourage poor residents to save up for home ownership.

Bird flu summit

Feb 27, 2006
Bird flu experts from around the world assemble in Washington today to discuss how businesses can prepare for a possible outbreak. Eric Niiler reports.

Stem cell trial

Feb 27, 2006
Today court proceedings begin in the dispute over whether the State of California can spend $3 billion in taxpayer money to fund stem cell research. Rachel Dornhelm has more.

Bush's India trip

Feb 27, 2006
President Bush makes final preparations for his trip to South Asia this week. As Jessica Smith reports, US companies are particularly interested in his talks with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

The smoking lounge is open

Feb 24, 2006
Cities across the US, including New York and Los Angeles, have banned smoking in restaurants and even bars. Chicago finally caved into that peer pressure last month... perfect timing for the city's new luxury smoking lounge. Diantha Parker reports.

Carnival feathers

Feb 24, 2006
Bird flu fears in Brazil has caused the price of the colorful feathers in carnival costumes to skyrocket. Paulo Prada has more.

Blackberry ruling

Feb 24, 2006
Today is D-Day in the lawsuit over whether the makers of the Blackberry PDA are illegally using patented technology to drive their devices. Lisa Napoli has more.

For public good, not for profit.

Glaxo defends Flonase

Feb 24, 2006
The FDA, under fire for sluggishness in approving generic drugs, announced this week that it had OKed a generic version of the popular nasal spray Flonase. In response, the drug's maker, GlaxoSmithKline, took legal action to halt the move. Helen Palmer reports from the Health Desk at WGBH.

Farrell on the Fed

Feb 23, 2006
Personal finance expert Chris Farrell tells Brian Watt that in some respects, new Fed chief Ben Bernanke is a refreshing change of pace compared to Alan Greenspan.

The convenience curve

Feb 23, 2006
As consumers, we can get our lettuce pre-washed, our carrots pre-peeled, and now Sunkist is giving us pre-sliced oranges. What's next in our mad dash for convenience? Lisa Napoli takes a look.