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Millennials actually aren’t noncommittal slackers, says new study

Jan 10, 2017
Nearly half of the millennial leaders surveyed by The Conference Board said they plan to work for their companies for more than 15 years.

What 100 different jobs tell us about why we work

Dec 6, 2016
A look at The Atlantic's series, "Inside Jobs," interviews with people about how they make a living.
According to Adrienne Green, "life has nothing to do with our jobs", or conversely, "it can be everything and it can be just as fulfilling".

The pros and cons of a 30-hour work week

Sep 13, 2016
Some of Amazon's employees are going to start working less.
Full teams at Amazon are experimenting with the 30-hour work week.
Startup Stock Photos

The economics of the sick day

Jan 15, 2015
40 million U.S. workers don't have sick leave. Obama wants to change that.

Social networks head to the office

Nov 25, 2014
It's called 'enterprise tech,' and it's growing: Microsoft, Google, IBM and maybe now Facebook are involved.

Teens face stiff competition in the search for a summer job

Jun 21, 2013
Many young people are struggling to find jobs now that school is out for summer. The usual seasonal employment is being filled by older workers so what are teenagers to do to earn income?

Semi-retirement: Getting a second-act career

Jun 7, 2013
Not everyone can afford -- or even wants -- to retire these days. But there are ways to profit during semi-retirement.

For public good, not for profit.

'When work feels overwhelming, remember you're going to die' and other uplifting greetings

May 31, 2013
Plenty of disgruntled workers have discovered Someecards.com -- a funny greeting card site where snarky messages express everything you're thinking, but would never say aloud. The card's

Advice for your awkward workplace dilemmas

May 31, 2013
Clashing personalities at the office can lead to some uncomfortable -- even toxic -- work environments. What can be done about a colleague who's too loud? A moody boss? Here's some sage advice for how to handle your awkward office lives.

When it comes to work, are you a giver or taker?

May 31, 2013
Great news: turns out you don't have to be an aggressive, self-serving, manipulative employee to get ahead at work! New research shows that "givers," people who do favors for others, are some of the most successful people at the office.