New NHS rule requiring patients to prove residency has implications for undocumented immigrants

May 21, 2018
The U.K.’s National Health Service provides free, universal healthcare to U.K. residents. In the past, the NHS would provide treatment without knowing patients’ residency status, but new rules put in place in October mean that clinics now must ask for identity documents up front to determine whether patients must pay for care. The most recent U.K. Department […]

U.S. business ponder effects of Brexit breakthrough deal

Dec 8, 2017
Today, after weeks of often bitter wrangling, the Brits struck a last-minute, breakthrough deal on Brexit with their European Union partners. They agreed to some of the key terms of their departure from the EU. The United Kingdom will likely be told next week that it can now move on to talk about a future […]

Cornwall's fishermen face up to post-Brexit realities

Nov 16, 2017
People working out of Britain's largest fishing port wonder what lies ahead.
“There are more foreign boats working in our waters than U.K. boats at the moment,” says Dave Stevens, skipper of the Crystal Sea trawler.
Stephen Beard/Marketplace

Britain's farmers have second thoughts on Brexit

Aug 22, 2017
They face U.S. competition and the loss of EU subsidies.
A dairy farmer looks out of the milking parlor at Newlands Farm in Bozeat, England.
Rob Stothard/Getty Images

The party that could drive a 'radical centrist movement' in Britain

Jun 6, 2017
The Liberal Democrats are going nowhere in the upcoming U.K. election. Here is why The Economist is endorsing them.
An European Union flag and a British flag fly in front of Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.

UK markets fluctuate days before election

Jun 2, 2017
On June 8,  the U.K. goes to the polls, again. This “snap” election is set against the backdrop of last year’s referendum on Britain’s membership to the European Union.  Following the “yes” vote on Brexit, then-Prime Minister, David Cameron stepped down.  Now his successor Theresa May is hoping to shore up her position as the […]

Will re-election help British PM Theresa May with tricky EU negotiations?

May 4, 2017
Victory would help her dampen domestic criticism. But the 27 EU countries look set for a showdown.
British Prime Minister Theresa May is seeking re-election ahead of talks about the terms of Brexit.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Brexit triggers mixed emotions in London's financial center

Mar 29, 2017
Britain begins its long goodbye from the bloc today.
British Prime Minister Theresa May addressed the Houses of Parliament today, triggering Article 50 and the process that takes Britain out of the European Union.
Carl Court/Getty Images

EU nationals now think twice about working in Britain

Mar 28, 2017
Brexit starts tomorrow — United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May will officially begin the two year process of pulling her country out of the European Union. Her two key goals: to keep the closest possible trading links with the EU and to end the automatic right of EU citizens to settle in Britain. But even […]

UK government welcomes Trump as it touts for post-Brexit trade

Nov 10, 2016
Most other European governments seem alarmed.
The Houses of Parliament are seen in central London.