Round 15 of that other trade deal in the works — T-TIP

Oct 3, 2016
Round 15 of the T-TIP talks begins on Monday and few are expecting any consensus.
U.S. President Barack Obama visiting Germany in April of this year to make the case for the T-TIP.

Europeans say TTIP future is uncertain

Sep 1, 2016
The EU-U.S. trade deal is still being negotiated, but some doubt it will survive.
Protesters rally against the TTIP in Hanover, Germany back in April.
Sascha Schuermann/Getty Images

Brexit complicates global trade picture

Jun 24, 2016
The timeline for renegotiating Britain's access to markets will be long and complex.
A trader sits at his desk under the day's performance board that shows a dive in the value of the DAX index of companies at the Frankfurt Stock exchange the day after a majority of the British public voted for leaving the European Union.  
Thomas Lohnes/Getty Images

It's time for a new round of trade talks: T-TIP

Oct 22, 2015
On the heels of the TPP, the US and Europe are negotiating their own trade rules.
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy chats with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry before a meeting in Madrid on Monday. One of their key discussions included the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
Denis Doyle/Getty Images