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The past, present and future of the estate tax

Dec 12, 2012
Some wealthy individuals say a higher estate tax is fair, but others are fighting against proposed changes.

The fiscal cliff could increase state revenues

Nov 16, 2012
If federal lawmakers can't agree on tax deductions, states could have a larger pool of money to tax.

Not taxed enough? Check here to pay more

Sep 25, 2012
House Republicans have passed a bill to allow for voluntary contributions on tax forms. While the Treasury already welcomes donations, they typically only receive a few million dollars each year -- far from enough to pay down the deficit.

NY's high court considers: Is lap dancing a tax-exempt art?

Sep 5, 2012
New York's highest court is hearing legal arguments by a strip club about whether nude lap dancing is art -- and therefore eligible for state tax exemption.

Detroit art museum wins taxpayer support

Aug 20, 2012
The Detroit Institute of Arts avoided a fiscal cliff when voters in three counties approved an tax increase that directly funds the 125-year-old museum.
The Detroit Institute of Arts avoided a fiscal cliff when voters in three counties approved an tax increase that directly funds the 125-year-old museum.
Quick fix / Creative Commons

Home business tax dodgers beware!

Apr 6, 2012
Marketplace's Jennifer Collins reports that home business owners who haven't paid taxes on their sales risk a contretemps with the IRS.

On tax forms, Arizonans must report out-of-state purchases

Mar 16, 2012
A new line on Arizona's tax return is asking people how much shopping they've done out of state. The idea was to recoup millions in lost revenue from online retailers.

For public good, not for profit.

Freshman GOP congressman backs surtax on rich

Mar 16, 2012
Rep. Rick Crawford of Arkansas says we can't get a deficit agreement without tax hikes. Could this be another crack in Grover Norquist’s tax pledge never to raise taxes?

In Greece, new property tax sparks anger

Feb 17, 2012
The Greek government has introduced a new property tax so that it can increase revenue but many Greeks say it's unfair and unwise.

Week in Review: Romney's 15.9% tax rate

Jan 27, 2012
How can ordinary Americans can get a tax rate like Mitt Romney's?