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As Americans pay off credit cards, student loan debt grows

Sep 10, 2012
Credit card delinquency rates are near record lows, but student loan debt is filling the void and that could affect the job market

It's refund time on college campuses

Aug 16, 2012
The beginning of the new semester means that many students receiving financial aid can look forward to large "refund" checks from their grants or loans.

Student loans as an incentive to move to Niagara Falls

Jul 3, 2012
Niagara Falls offers to help new residents with their student loans, the latest incentive cities have offered in efforts to revitalize themselves.

Congress to decide on transportation bill, student loan rates

Jun 25, 2012
House lawmakers have until the end of the week to deal with two big economic issues. One is a two year transportation funding bill that puts about three million jobs at stake. The other is how to keep student loan interest rates from doubling for millions of new borrowers.

Small talk: Facebook predictions, traffic down, paying loans in cash

May 25, 2012
The news that didn't quite make the headlines. This week: Facebook can predict the stock market, U.S. traffic is down (but not on L.A.'s 405 freeway), and paying off loans with cash.

Fact checking the student loan debate

May 8, 2012
The latest Congressional fight is over how to deal with a student loan interest hike set for the summer. But what's the real bottom line?

President Obama to discuss student loan rate increase

Apr 20, 2012
Interest rates on federal student loans are set to double on July 1. The president is urging Congress to stop that increase.

For public good, not for profit.

A possible change for bankruptcy and student loans

Mar 21, 2012
Current laws make it very hard for student loans to be forgiven. There's a proposal now in Congress that would change that.
Students from all over the UK participate in a demonstration February 20, 2002 in London. Here in the U.S., those with student loan debt who file bankruptcy are currently not forgiven their college loans. That might soon change, however.
Sion Touhig/Getty Images

Student loans could be the next economic 'debt bomb'

Mar 9, 2012
Total outstanding student loan debt is expected to surpass a trillion dollars in 2012. So what does that mean for education and the economy?

Figuring out student loans and a home

Feb 9, 2012
I have a dilemma that I hope you can offer some advice on: I am currently in the process of paying off some hefty student loans I accumulated while earning my bachelor's and master's degrees. I pay almost twice the required payment. (Please let me know if you need specific figures.) My husband and I would like to save for the down payment on a home to be purchased within 5 years. Would it be more advantageous for me to continue aggressively paying down the loans (fixed interest rate of 4.25 percent) or save as much as possible to apply to a home to be purchased in the near future? Michelle, Indianapolis, IN