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The saving dilemma

Jan 20, 2012
Commentator Felix Click describes how tough it can be to enjoy your money when you're used to scrimping and saving.

How much should I spend? Well, show me a number first.

Jan 16, 2012
Behavioral economist Nick Epley at the University of Chicago tells us what "price anchoring" is -- and how numbers influence our judgment.
Number cues dictate how you buy.

The psychology of 'price anchoring'

Jan 6, 2012
Ever run to the grocery store planning to buy just a gallon of milk, but come out with a cart full of items? A behavior science professor explains the numerical triggers that encourage us to buy more.
Number cues dictate how you buy.

Overdoing the discounts

Dec 23, 2011
Who doesn't love a discount? Commentator Kristina Wong has benefited from group discounts on everything from meals to shoes to massages. But even she has a limit.

What makes us open our wallets

Dec 23, 2011
What is it about consumers that drives us to want so much stuff? You could blame Madison Avenue, but marketers alone can't make us open up our wallets to spend. Tess talks with author James Roberts about why we buy.
Consumer spending is up, but we can't just shop our way to a recovery.
Michael Nagle/Getty Images

Retirement and creative spending

Dec 19, 2011
We often forget how creative people are at coming up with solutions to problems. Retirement is no different. Many retirees find that they can make significant cuts in expenses without slashing their standard of living.

Spending on Christmas 'bling' is up

Dec 6, 2011
Consumers will almost $6 billion dollars on holiday decorations this year - the most in seven years - according to new data from the National Retail Federation

For public good, not for profit.

Monkeys love discounts too

Dec 1, 2011
Researchers at Yale are wondering if spending behavior has something to do with genetics. We learn how monkeys and humans are similar -- and different -- when it comes to plunking down cash.

The Recession's Consumer Paradox

Aug 23, 2011
David Brancaccio was in Los Angeles last week to guest host Marketplace Money. The theme: Borrow or spend? If we don't spend, life gets drained...

Spending vs. savings during these unnerving times

Aug 19, 2011
Into the teeth of this economic gale, I had to make quite a spending decision this week. It wasn't a frivolous purchase - not the $5,000 carbon-f...